Happy January!
Happy January everyone! And Happy New Year!
As has become the new norm, my monthly post is very late. So I cramming in a quick update before February hits.
So....for the month of December, zero (0) chinchillas were surrendered and zero (0) chinchillas were adopted. Once again, surrenders and adoptions near the holidays are bad news. The good news is we've been getting a ton of inquiries for adoption in January...but that is news for February *tease*.
2016 recap gives us thirty four (34) surrenders and thirty (30) adoptions. I am happy to announce that we are finally back in a position to start taking surrenders in again. I'm probably going to regret making this announcement as we are making tentative plans to (hopefully) move some time this year. But with the sudden explosion of adoption of single chins, we have several empty cages just staring gape mouthed at me every time I breeze through the chin rooms. Who would have thought 60 chinchillas would seem like such a small number?