Happy January!
Happy 2014 everyone!
For the month of December five (5) chinchillas were surrendered and three (3) chinchillas were adopted. For the 2013 year we had a total of 111 chinchillas adopted! To date we have found homes for well over 400 furry little beings.
There has been a huge drive the past couple of years to not give live animals as Christmas gifts. This is due to the assumption that surprise gifts lose their appeal after a very short time. In actuality, this is the case year around and not just at Christmas time. We are saddened to see that many homeless animals are left homeless at a time when historically people tended to open their hearts and homes to rescue animals.
We have, however, met with some very nice families who have taken the choice to adopt seriously. We love when we hear of individuals who carefully consider the needs of the animal first and seek to gain a solid foundation and understanding of their chosen pet before they fall victim to an impulse buy.
Still, much misinformation is readily available online and even in books. As much as we love to hear that people have done the research, often we hear the research gleaned is faulty, low quality, or just plain dangerous. While many hard-core chin folk hold their personal chin philosophies near and dear to their heart, some information is truly more about what is good and proper and not simply a matter of opinion.
Our archives offer a lot of good information and we do our best to provide a rationale. If you are seeking to adopt for the first time, or believe you are a seasoned chinchilla owner, you may be surprised to find that some practices are literally killing your pet with kindness. With this in mind, be prepared to have your belief system challenged. We look forward to meeting you. *insert maniacal laughter here*