Chinchilla Sponsorship

Love what we do, but can’t adopt?

Fallen in love with one of our medical cases and want to show your support?

Sponsor a chinchilla!

For only a dollar per day ($30 per month) you can help us, help the animals. Your sponsorship donation covers the cost of food, hay, dust, bedding and care for a single chinchilla. Additional gifts of chew toys, treats, or other items can be made in addition to the basic plan, in any amount at your specification.

Sponsorship programs are strictly voluntary. You may choose to sponsor a chin until they are adopted, or cancel at any time. Sponsorship is on a month to month basis. Any remaining funds will be applied to the general chinchilla expenses account.

To sponsor a particular chinchilla, just click in the donations button and add the name and any additional wishes in the “special instructions” box. If the chosen chinnie is listed as available on the adoptions page, an emblem with your sponsorship name will appear…like this….

Mandi Vollmer