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Last week Whimsy found out that a fellow chinthusiast had to get out of the chinchilla business. Adult onset of allergies is to blame for this one. It's sad, but worked out well in the end. He just happened to have two chins that Whimsy had had her eye on. One is a white sapphire carrier and the other is her daughter, a sapphire. It looks like we're getting into that mutation after all. :)
(The sapphire girl, enjoying one of our hand-made bridges.)
Two others that came along for the ride are sister to the sapphire, a little standard grey girl, and an ebony boy named Spencer. They are both teeny tiny, but the ebony especially. I've not seen a full grown chin this small before. Whimsy tried pairing Spencer with Chip, a rescue who came in with Doby. Doby had turned aggressive, and poor Chip has been without a good buddy for a while now. It looks like Spencer has become his new best friend. They get along great! Both are total sweeties and super passive. What a perfect boy pair.
(Chip to the left, Spencer on the right.)
We're working with the sister chin (standard) to get her acclimated and accepted into the community cage with the other girls. Since this community is growing so nicely, it may be time to either split the herd, or get a larger cage.
Oh! Speaking of larger cages, I forgot to mention how much the chin room continues to change. It has gotten to the point where the chins have kicked Whimsy's office out of the room. Now she works from the laundry room right outside the chin room door! My how we've grown!